Here you will find news relative to Duniter project. (sort by Author, Tag, Category)
We are close to be ready to migrate Ğ1 currency on the v2 software ecosystem. This crowdfunding will help us achieve this goal.
It has been a while since we started working on Duniter v2 implementation in Substrate framework. We announce here a new milestone.
Web3 intends to democratize the use of decentralised architectures and provide the online world with a democratic governance model. Here is what Duniter has to bring to it.
Help G1 currency to grow!
ADEME, which is the French Public Agency for Ecological Transition, launched a call for projects on the theme of "the commons" in March 2021. Their goal is to foster the resilience of local communities via the funding and support of collaborative projects that have an impact on a local level. Duniter answered their call successfully.
Duniter version 2 will be using Substrate framework. Here is why.
Duniter has a custom proof-of-work mechanism based on its web of trust. Discover how it prevents power race and allows democratic governance.
Duniter Web of Trust is one of it's major innovation. This article dives into how it works.
Speaking with Cédric Moreau, software developer of "libre" cryptocurrencies.