Events  cgeek RML 🇫🇷 2015-06-09

Recap of the 5th FMM: 4 days focusing on money systems!

There we are! 5th FMM is now over. It has been a very rich experience of 4 days focusing on money systems. Below is quick recap of what happened during these days for those of you who could not be here with us.

First day: a dive into uCoin protocol

The very first day was a presentation made by your servitor (cgeek) about uCoin software & protocol. This was a travel across technical details about how is uCoin working, which are the rules and what is the life of currency propulsed by uCoin protocol.

The presentation was in French, but I took the time to translate it in case you wanted to read it. You can dowload the file here: FMM5_Presentation_en.


Second day: more about CuteCoin & uCoinApps softwares!

This day was an opportunity for client softwares to be presented. Let's see the two firsts: CuteCoin and uCoinApps.


The morning was dedicated to Cutecoin, the very first client of uCoin software. We stepped through:

Currently, Cutecoin allows you to do all the core operations made possible by uCoin software. It is also the first allowing to have an overview of the network!

Web of Trust view from cgeek to inso Web of Trust view from cgeek to inso Overview of the meta_brouzouf currency network Overview of the meta_brouzouf currency network

The presentation is also available for download here: [FMM5 Cutecoin Presentation (fr)](/PELICAN/files/FMM5 Cutecoin Presentation (fr).odp).

[cutecoin_pres](/PELICAN/files/FMM5 Cutecoin Presentation (fr).odp)


The afternoon was dedicated to uCoinApps, the little brother of Cutecoin as it is the second client for uCoin. uCoinApps is an Android application that allows you to:

The application is available on Google Play. You may also find a tutorial (french) for using it at


The author of the application also made a presentation avaialble for download: FMM5 uCoinApps Presentation (fr).

Third day: simulation of 160 years of money systems

This day was an opportunity for non-developers to discover a french game called La Corbeille. This game consists in simulating an economy by producing values using the only available currency system. The goal is to understand the underlying code of a currency system and see the consequences of using it. During this session, we have tried 2 money systems:

The results of this session are available for download on GitHub: LibreOffice Calc file. Also, you can access the project Ğeconomicus which provides a set of free graphics & tools to create your own economy simulations based on 80 years human lifetime. Here is a recap video of this journey (french), so as another resume on :

Fourth day: non-technical contributions

A last day was dedicated to other contributions than coding. These are more around the project, for example explanations, theoretical fundamentals, etc.

A new mathematical demonstration

The morning has seen the demonstration by Stéphane Laborde, the author of the RTM (Relativity Theory of Money), that a currency with a given rate of money creation and providing a Basic Income to its people by using a tax have an equivalent Freedom currency that only uses money creation. This mathematical demonstration can be found in the last version of the RTM in this file: Relativity Theory of Money (french).

Presentation of David Chazalviel: "The RTM in color" and "The RTM for the kids"

David Chazalviel gave us a presentation about his 2 last contributions for spreading about Freedom Money:

The RTM in color (english or french version) is a brilliant web application to simulate and explore the concepts of a Freedom Money.

Screenshot of the "The RTM in color" tool

The RTM for the kids (available in french only) is an interactive presentation trying to explain what is a Freedom Money and the RTM to kids, thanks to Elise and its fairy friend:

Image of the RTM for kids

Subscription to metab_brouzouf currency

The afternoon was the occasion for people to try Cutecoin and subscribe to metab_brouzouf currency! As you can see, we now are about 23 active members testing uCoin:

A web of trust snapshot

And here is the currency overview:

uCoin currency snapshot


This 1st edition of 2015 FMM was a very successful meeting with a lot of new people met and introduced to money codes, many technical details were explained and the very first client applications Cutecoin & uCoinApps have been presented and tested by final users! What will await us for next FMM in Valence during November 2015? Coming months will tell us, but be sure a lot of work is to be achieved until then!