Become smithπ
In Duniter v2 you can only forge blocks if your identity is smith (see glossary). This page guides you to get the smith status. If you previously followed the run a smith node tutorial, you will be able to enable forging blocks. The steps to complete are the following one:
- become member of the main web of trust
- read and understand the smith licence
- be invited to join smith with
- accept invitation with
- get enough certifications from other smith with
until promoted - set session keys with
extrinsic - start forging blocks with
This process is detailed below and Δcli can be helpful.
Table of contents
Become member of the main web of trustπ
Duniter is based on human trust without implying peculiary interest. Therefore, there is no need to own a large quantity of currency to take part to the blockchain authoring, only to be part of the main web of trust. This implies having read and accepted the Δ1 licence and getting certified by other wot members (see g1 documentation). Having a unique digital identity entails you can only have one smith identity.
Read and understand the smith licenceπ
The smith licence defines the rules to certify a new Duniter smith. These rules aim to garantee a good operation of Duniter blockchain by making sure that the new smith knows the rules applying to this role and that other smiths trust his/her ability to apply them.
Accept invitation to the smith groupπ
Before getting smith certifications, you have to be invited and accept the invitation (see runtime calls reference). After that, you will have to get certs and go online within a certain delay.
Get enough certifications from other smithπ
The minimum number of received certifications to become smith depends on the runtime. Currently it is:
- 2 for ΔDev
- 3 for ΔTest and Δ1 runtimes
A smith is only able to become an authority (see glossary) once he/she get enough certifications before the membership request expiration.
Set session keysπ
Once you are member of the smith wot, you are allowed to declare session keys with authorityMembers.set_session_keys()
. The argument of set_session_keys
is a pubkey, make sure your smith node has the corresponding session keys!
You can do it with a client like polkadotjs app (more manual) or Δcli (has helper commands).
Start forging blocksπ
Before calling authorityMembers.goOnline()
, you can double-check that your validator node actually has the session keys you declared and is syncrhonized to the network. Otherwise you will be unable to add blocks and will generate BABE offenses.
Stay smithπ
Once you are smith, you must:
- not stay offline more than 48 sessions (2 days)
- not lose your main wot membership (renew membership)
- not trigger offenses (TODO document)
Otherwise, you will be excluded from the smith.